BABH outreach

Senior Out-Reach Program


The intent is to offer people the opportunity to participate in many different activities, or just one. Offering companionship and fun things to do, inspires those that find themselves, secluded and alone, at times, to feel included and accepted.

Certain programs, such as the grandparent adoption, can be beneficial to not only the elderly, but to the children involved. Many times, in today’s society, young people don’t have a chance to spend time with the older citizens in our communities. This program offers both stages of life to learn and commune with the other.

Activities may include but are not limited to:

1.Arts and Crafts

2.Grandparent adoption

3.Reading with friends

4.Game & Trivia Day

5. Chair Yoga/ Aerobics/ Dancing/ Line Dancing

6. Gardening/ Potting plants and many more…